Game on!
Gamification uses game design concepts and elements to engage employees, drive behaviors and increase the impact of messaging. It’s been a part of business communications for over a dozen years.
Successful gamification initiatives can improve employee engagement by nearly 50%. More engagement means higher productivity and lower turnover.
You can hasten cultural change by creating a game structure where people are rewarded by peers for behavior reflecting company values. Workers compete to be the most rewarded, and giving the most rewards.
You can use any number of videogame structures and formats to present learning modules. Crucial information presented in an interactive and fun way will be more memorable – and get people talking about it in the coffee room.
Recruiting teams can develop ‘choose your own adventure’ narratives to help new (and potential) hires learn about the company and, in the process, possibly determine the team or role that best fits them.
Knowledge and trivia game show structures can be used to test employee knowledge of other company divisions, or the market competition. These can be little pop-up quizzes that appear on the intranet.
Gamification can be used to encourage and reward collaboration and teamwork, especially involving virtual teams across geographies. Incentives can drive people to share information more widely, rather than hoard knowledge.
It can also help people learn about company market and operational strategies and project their impact into future scenarios. This will improve transparency and alignment, as well as support building a more nimble and resilient organization.