In seven steps… If you’re convinced you really need one
Anytime anyone suggests a new email newsletter my first response is to I say, “Hold on a minute.” First thing to do is ask yourself, do I really want to make this commitment? Is this really going to achieve my objectives? Will anyone read this thing? If the answers to all of these questions is “yes” then you need to dive into the following seven stepping stones along the path.
Determine the business purpose
- Why is an email newsletter the answer?
- Who is your audience?
- What are your goals?
- What content serves those goals?
- What need will this fill for the audience?
Design the email template
- A consistent look and structure will helps readers know what they are reading
- The template should be easy to use for the editor and easy to scan for the reader. Don’t get fancy or cute.
- Make it mobile-friendly first.
- Test on different platforms.
Gather appropriate content
- Not everything goes in here, only what is relevant to the business purpose.
- Set editorial guidelines on language, punctuation, abbreviations.
- Provide helpful links to additional info.
- Delegate colleagues to provide content.
- Organize it in sub-heads to help people focus on what they are interested in.
Set a cadence
- Not so frequent that there isn’t enough timely content.
- Not so infrequent that there is too much content to fit in.
- Not so rigid that you can’t accommodate flexible schedules.
- Not so loose that it’s a mystery when the next issue will come out.
Experiment with the subject
- People open emails mostly on the basis of subject line.
- If your newsletter isn’t opened it can’t be read.
- Test subject line strategies: Hints of top stories? Change the name of the newsletter to emphasize the value to the reader?
Reduce the length
- Cut the text down to the bare bones; nobody has the time to read more than a blurb.
- If you have too many items, save less-urgent ones for next issue.
- If you always have too many items, tighten your editorial guidelines.
- You lose readers every time scrolling is required.
Analyze and adjust
- Check on how well the newsletter is being received.
- Examine metrics on email opens and link click-throughs.
- Actively seek feedback from target audiences, at all levels.
Finally, if it is failing to set the world on fire, if nothing seems to get people to read it, ask yourself again if you really need an email newsletter. Because as a general rule the world doesn’t need another ineffectual email newsletter.