John Cage
John Cage chose music, he said, because “The people who heard my music had better things to say about it than the people who looked at my paintings had to say about my paintings.”
John Cage chose music, he said, because “The people who heard my music had better things to say about it than the people who looked at my paintings had to say about my paintings.”
Maybe you are starting your business and need to establish your brand. Maybe a small or medium client has come to you for advice on their brand. In any case, here are seven steps to follow for successfully creating/updating a brand identity.
Creating a brand identity Read More »
I spent two years sitting in a room just a few feet from this legendary, notorious, monumental painting that weighs over a ton, back when it was entombed behind a wall. It only took four decades for me to reconnect with it and see it for real, in person.
“As I write a story, I have to be open to all the possibilities of what these characters are thinking and doing and what might apply. For me, the best way to do this is writing longhand, the way I write the early drafts of a novel.”
Amy Tan on writing Read More »
The science is clear: human activity is changing the earth’s climate. Every company has a responsibility to address this. Stakeholders are demanding action. Companies are at risk of intervention – or can face climate change and seize competitive advantage.
Climate change and sustainability Read More »
When I was thirteen PBS ran The Seven Samurai and I was gobsmacked. “I was young but I realized that I was watching something extraordinary,” was how I put it to a newspaper interviewer years later. You could create a film school based entirely on his films.
If there are too many good career things happening it can turn toxic. Too many demands on us can do harm, whether just impacting the quality and timeliness of our work or actually causing us health-threatening stress. Then we need to be more ruthless in prioritizing the relevant and important things in our life.
Good things and the Vortex of Doom Read More »
If you want to know what a company is really like, find someone who works there and start asking questions. These days you don’t need to look hard for those workers, they are all around us on social media, and their opinions, behaviors, and value systems reflect back on their company. Your employees are already your brand ambassadors.
The employee as brand ambassador Read More »
When brands move from segmenting based on traditional demographics to a focus on what people value, it creates a stronger customer connection. When a brand connects on a more human – a more humane – level, people are more open to trusting its intentions and believing that their needs are being addressed.
On trust: Earning it, communicating it Read More »
Various industries are implementing a form of integrated operations where communication and decision-making are distributed along the value chain rather than just centrally controlled.
Integrated Operational Communications Read More »