According to motivational speaker Ben Nemtin
The motivational speaker Ben Nemtin believes more people should aspire to do great things, and more should be achieving those ambitions. He has six steps he recommends people follow to help them reach their goals.
Step 1: Think about it
“Stop and think about what you want to accomplish,” says Nemtin. “Forget about what people consider realistic.”
What excites you? What are you passionate about?
It doesn’t have to be your career, it could just be something on your bucket list. But it needs to be important to you.
“If you follow your bliss,” said Joseph Campbell, “you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for you.”
Step 2: Write it down
Put it on paper and post it somewhere. Studies show that people who write down their goals are 42% more likely to succeed, so you are ahead of the game already.
And call it a project, not a dream.
“Dreams have a funny way of staying dreams,” says Nemtin. “But a project is something that needs to be done.”
Identify the steps you need to take. Estimate how long you will need and set a deadline. Get started!
Step 3: Talk about it
This is a tricky one. Some experts think talking about a goal tricks our minds into thinking we’ve done a lot to achieve that goal and it saps motivation from us. Nemtin believes, however, that telling someone else makes our project real, and it also makes us that much more accountable for following through.
In this view, talking about it helps clarify your vision and your plan. People will support you and may offer ways they can help you.
“When I see someone talk passionately about a goal, they always convince me that it is possible for them,” says Nemtin. “There’s a difference between doing something and sort of doing it; I think this step is what makes the difference.”
Step 4: Be persistent
Don’t give up. Sometimes it is that simple.
“Ambition is the path to success,” said the basketball great and US senator Bill Bradley. “Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in.”
When you receive a “no” hear it as “not now.” Be realistic that reaching your goal will have challenges. (If it was super-easy everyone would do it.)
“In a world where giving up means failure, you can increase your odds of success simply by persisting,” says Nemtin. “Success depends on consistency of effort as much as it does on the quality of work.”
Step 5: Shoot for the moon
Have the courage to aim high. A big dream gives you purpose and drives you. It can attract others to your cause. It separates you immediately from everyone else.
“The level of competition is highest for realistic goals because most people don’t set high enough goals for themselves,” says Nemtin.
The first time you accomplish something major will not only be fulfilling but also inspire you to reach for other big goals. And the routine everyday objectives will seem less challenging.”
Step 6: Help others
Pay it forward. If you do something others thought impossible, you can help them achieve their dreams as well. This will lift you up higher and make you feel more accomplished.
“When you learn, teach,” said Maya Angelou. “When you get, give.”
“When you give, others will see you in the world helping other people, and they will want to help you as well,” says Nemtin. “But beyond that, giving back will bring you a greater sense of fulfillment.”