Category: Arts

Includes film & television, photography, fine arts, theatre, performance, and literature.

Brian Eno

While recuperating after an accident he could barely hear an album of harp music, but he couldn’t get out of bed and cross the room to turn it up. The experience led to the creation of ambient music, which became an entire genre.

Raymond Chandler

Raymond Chandler on writing

“The most durable thing in writing is style. It is a projection of personality and you have to have a personality before you can project it. It is the product of emotion and perception.”

Jay DeFeo and The Rose

The Rose

I spent two years sitting in a room just a few feet from this legendary, notorious, monumental painting that weighs over a ton, back when it was entombed behind a wall. It only took four decades for me to reconnect with it and see it for real, in person.

Amy Tan

Amy Tan on writing

“As I write a story, I have to be open to all the possibilities of what these characters are thinking and doing and what might apply. For me, the best way to do this is writing longhand, the way I write the early drafts of a novel.”

Akira Kurosawa

When I was thirteen PBS ran The Seven Samurai and I was gobsmacked. “I was young but I realized that I was watching something extraordinary,” was how I put it to a newspaper interviewer years later. You could create a film school based entirely on his films.