I’m launching Vague Apparatus LLC to serve as umbrella entity for most of my professional activities from now on. This will include my communication consulting in the short term, as well as planned efforts in podcasting, video production, and fiction and nonfiction editorial projects.
(Though, with a smile, I politely decline to go into details on any of those projects since it is early days still and things may/will change.)
This is not my first experience leading a small creative company.
Around 45 years ago I cofounded Falling Spring Films with Dinty W. Moore, and among the productions that came out of that was a half-hour documentary on country auctions that was broadcast on public television, and a short that was exhibited at the Museum of Modern Art in New York.
Around 37 years ago I was principal of Ellis-Irwin Associates, a boutique marketing communication consultancy with clients like Transamerica, Equitable Real Estate, and The Lurie Company.
Around 20 years ago I launched Walking Tour Films with friend and colleague Tony Urgo, and we had an interesting run in our pursuit of investors for a new kind of digital media studio. It anticipated an approach that would become common with Netflix and Hulu and Amazon Prime. We failed to get sufficient funding and I truly believe it was because we were ahead of our time, as digital distribution was still in its beginnings and most people still thought of movie rentals as defined by Blockbuster.
So I’ve been here before, but never with the diversity of activity that Vague Apparatus will see. That is mostly because I never had the options modern digital media offers. There is so much you can do now by yourself with the right tools and some skill development, so many channels for getting your work and your messaging in front of the people you want to reach, in the format those people prefer. It’s really exciting.
You can read more on the Vague Apparatus LLC page, as well as the press release for the Vague Apparatus launch.
I’ll soon be adding a mailing, when I can figure out a technical snafu I’m having. When I do, please add your email so you can keep up to date with what I’m doing. Connect with me on Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook. If you are interested in my communication consulting please contact me at vagueapparatus[ATSYMBOL]gmail[DOT].com.
Thank you!